Realm Xamarin
Realm for Xamarin
CRealmResults< T >.ChangeSet | A ChangeSet describes the changes inside a RealmResults<T> since the last time the notification callback was invoked. |
CRealm | A Realm instance (also referred to as a realm) represents a Realm database. |
CRealmConfiguration | Realm configuration specifying settings that affect your Realm behaviour. |
▼CRealmException | Base for Realm specific exceptions. Use only for catching. |
▼CRealmFileAccessErrorException | Base for catching exceptions with Realm files, typically problems from which an app would recover. |
CRealmFileExistsException | Exception thrown when a file exists with the same name as you to create a new one. |
CRealmFileNotFoundException | Exception thrown when a file doesn't exist when trying to open without a create option. |
CRealmInvalidDatabaseException | Exception thrown when a file exists but doesn't appear to be a Realm database, may indicate corruption. |
CRealmMigrationNeededException | Exception when you can't open an existing realm file because the format differs from your current class declarations. |
CRealmPermissionDeniedException | Exception when you can't open an existing realm file, or create a new one. |
CRealmObjectAlreadyManagedByRealmException | Exception thrown when you're trying to use Manage but the object has already been added to this Realm. |
CRealmObjectManagedByAnotherRealmException | Exception thrown when you're trying to use Manage but the object is already managed by a different Realm. |
CRealmOutOfMemoryException | Exception when Realm's run out of memory, shut down your application rather than trying to continue. |
CRealmOutsideTransactionException | Exception when you try to Add, update or Remove a persisted object without a write transaction active. |
CRealmList< T > | Return type for a managed object property when you declare a to-many relationship with IList. |
CRealmObject | Base for any object that can be persisted in a Realm. |
CRealmResults< T > | Iterable, sortable collection of one kind of RealmObject resulting from Realm.All() or from a LINQ query expression. |
CTransaction | Provides a scope to safely read and write to a Realm. Must use explicitly via Realm.BeginWrite. |