Realm Xamarin  v0.81.0
Realm for Xamarin
Namespaces | Classes | Functions
Realms Namespace Reference



class  BacklinkAttribute
 An attribute that indicates that the property it decorates is the inverse end of a relationship. More...
class  ChangeSet
 A ChangeSet describes the changes inside a IRealmCollection<T> since the last time the notification callback was invoked. More...
class  CollectionNotificationsExtensions
 A set of extensions methods exposing notification-related functionality over collections. More...
class  ErrorEventArgs
 Provides error information for the Realm.Error event. More...
class  IgnoredAttribute
 An attribute that indicates an ignored property. Ignored properties will not be persisted in the Realm. More...
class  IndexedAttribute
 An attribute that indicates an indexed property. Indexed properties slow down insertions, but can greatly speed up queries. More...
interface  IRealmCollection
 Iterable, sortable collection of one kind of RealmObject resulting from Realm.All or from a LINQ query expression. More...
class  MapToAttribute
 An attribute that indicates that a property should be persisted under a different name. More...
class  Migration
 This class is given to you when you migrate your database from one version to another. It contains two properties: OldRealm and NewRealm. The NewRealm is the one you should make sure is up to date. It will contain models corresponding to the configuration you've supplied. You can read from the old realm and access properties that have been removed from the classes by using the dynamic API. See more in the migrations section in the documentation. More...
class  PreserveAttribute
 Prevents the Xamarin managed linker from linking the target. More...
class  PrimaryKeyAttribute
 An attribute that indicates the primary key property. It allows quick lookup of objects and enforces uniqueness of the values stored. It may only be applied to a single property in a class. More...
class  Realm
 A Realm instance (also referred to as a realm) represents a Realm database. More...
class  RealmClassLacksPrimaryKeyException
 An exception thrown when trying to lookup an object by primary key, when the object doesn't have PrimaryKey specified. More...
class  RealmClosedException
 An exception thrown when trying to invoke members of a closed Realm. More...
class  RealmConfiguration
 Realm configuration specifying settings that affect the Realm's behavior. More...
class  RealmConfigurationBase
 Base class for specifying configuration specifying settings that affect the Realm's behavior. More...
class  RealmDecryptionFailedException
 An exception, raised when file decryption is unsuccessful, most likely due to invalid EncryptionKey. More...
class  RealmDuplicatePrimaryKeyValueException
 An exception thrown when an object with the same primary key has already been added. More...
class  RealmException
 Base for Realm specific exceptions. Use only for catching. More...
class  RealmFileAccessErrorException
 Base for catching exceptions with Realm files, typically problems from which an app would recover. More...
class  RealmFileExistsException
 Exception thrown when a file exists with the same name as you to create a new one. More...
class  RealmFileNotFoundException
 Exception thrown when a file doesn't exist when trying to open without a create option. More...
class  RealmInvalidDatabaseException
 Exception thrown when a file exists but doesn't appear to be a Realm database, may indicate corruption. More...
class  RealmInvalidObjectException
 An exception, thrown when the object is no longer managed by the Realm. More...
class  RealmInvalidTransactionException
 An exception, thrown when trying to write data to the Realm and you haven't begun a Write transaction or when the realm is opened as read-only. More...
class  RealmMigrationNeededException
 Exception when you can't open an existing realm file because the format differs from your current class declarations. More...
class  RealmMismatchedConfigException
 An exception, thrown when you try to open a Realm file with a different RealmConfiguration. More...
class  RealmObject
 Base for any object that can be persisted in a Realm. More...
class  RealmObjectAlreadyManagedByRealmException
 Exception thrown when you're trying to use Add but the object has already been added to this Realm. More...
class  RealmObjectManagedByAnotherRealmException
 Exception thrown when you're trying to use Add but the object is already managed by a different Realm. More...
class  RealmOutOfMemoryException
 Exception when Realm's run out of memory, shut down your application rather than trying to continue. More...
class  RealmPermissionDeniedException
 Exception when you can't open an existing realm file, or create a new one. More...
class  RealmSchema
 Describes the complete set of classes which may be stored in a Realm, either from assembly declarations or, dynamically, by evaluating a Realm from disk. More...
class  RequiredAttribute
 An attribute that indicates a required property. When persisting, the Realm will validate that the value of the property is not null. More...
class  Transaction
 Provides a scope to safely read and write to a Realm. Must use explicitly via Realm.BeginWrite. More...


delegate void NotificationCallbackDelegate< in T > (IRealmCollection< T > sender, ChangeSet changes, Exception error)
 A callback that will be invoked each time the contents of a IRealmCollection<T> have changed. More...

Function Documentation

§ NotificationCallbackDelegate< in T >()

delegate void Realms.NotificationCallbackDelegate< in T > ( IRealmCollection< T >  sender,
ChangeSet  changes,
Exception  error 

A callback that will be invoked each time the contents of a IRealmCollection<T> have changed.

senderThe IRealmCollection<T> being monitored for changes.
changesThe ChangeSet describing the changes to a IRealmCollection<T>, or null if an error occured.
errorAn exception that might have occurred while asynchronously monitoring a IRealmCollection<T> for changes, or null if no errors occured.
Template Parameters
TType of the RealmObject which is being returned.