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add(int, E) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
add(E) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
add(E) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
add(int, E) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
addChangeListener(RealmChangeListener) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Add a change listener to the Realm
allObjects(Class<E>) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Get all objects of a specific Class
allObjects(Class<E>, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
allObjects(Class<E>, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
allObjects(Class<E>, String, boolean, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
allObjects(Class<E>, String[], boolean[]) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
allObjectsSorted(Class<E>, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Get all objects of a specific Class sorted by a field.
allObjectsSorted(Class<E>, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Get all objects of a specific class sorted by two field names.
allObjectsSorted(Class<E>, String, boolean, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Get all objects of a specific class sorted by two specific field names.
allObjectsSorted(Class<E>, String[], boolean[]) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Get all objects of a specific Class sorted by multiple fields.
average(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Returns the average of a given field.
averageDouble(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Calculate the average of a field
averageFloat(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Calculate the average of a field
averageInt(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Calculate the average of a field


beginGroup() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Begin grouping of conditions ("left parenthesis")
beginsWith(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that the value of field begins with the specified string
beginsWith(String, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that the value of field begins with the specified substring
beginTransaction() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Starts a write transaction, this must be closed with Realm.commitTransaction() or aborted by @{link io.realm.Realm#cancelTransaction()}.
between(String, int, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Between condition
between(String, long, long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Between condition
between(String, double, double) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Between condition
between(String, float, float) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Between condition
between(String, Date, Date) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Between condition


cancelTransaction() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Revert all writes (created, updated, or deleted objects) made in the current write transaction and end the transaction.
CASE_INSENSITIVE - Static variable in class io.realm.RealmQuery
CASE_SENSITIVE - Static variable in class io.realm.RealmQuery
checkIfValid() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
clear(Class<?>) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Remove all objects of the specified class.
clear() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
clear() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Removes all objects from the list.
close() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Closes the Realm instance and all its resources.
commitTransaction() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
All changes since @{link io.realm.Realm#beginTransaction()} are persisted to disk and the realm reverts back to being read-only.
compactRealmFile(Context, String) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Compact a realm file.
compactRealmFile(Context) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Compact a realm file.
contains(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that value of field contains the specified substring
contains(String, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that value of field contains the specified substring
context - Variable in class io.realm.RealmBaseAdapter
copyToRealm(E) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Copies a RealmObject to the Realm instance and returns the copy.
copyToRealm(Iterable<E>) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Copies a collection of RealmObjects to the Realm instance and returns their copy.
count() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Count the number of objects that fulfill the query conditions.
createAllFromJson(Class<E>, JSONArray) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Create a Realm object for each object in a JSON array.
createAllFromJson(Class<E>, String) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Create a Realm object for each object in a JSON array.
createAllFromJson(Class<E>, InputStream) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Create a Realm object for each object in a JSON array.
createObject(Class<E>) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Instantiates and adds a new object to the realm
createObjectFromJson(Class<E>, JSONObject) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Create a Realm object prefilled with data from a JSON object.
createObjectFromJson(Class<E>, String) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Create a Realm object prefilled with data from a JSON object.
createObjectFromJson(Class<E>, InputStream) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Create a Realm object prefilled with data from a JSON object.


DEFAULT_REALM_NAME - Static variable in class io.realm.Realm
deleteRealmFile(Context) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Delete the Realm file from the filesystem for the default Realm (named "default.realm").
deleteRealmFile(Context, String) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Delete the Realm file from the filesystem for a custom named Realm.


endGroup() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
End grouping of conditions ("right parenthesis")
endsWith(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that the value of field ends with the specified string
endsWith(String, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that the value of field ends with the specified substring
equalTo(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Equal-to comparison
equalTo(String, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Equal-to comparison
equalTo(String, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Equal-to comparison
equalTo(String, long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Equal-to comparison
equalTo(String, double) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Equal-to comparison
equalTo(String, float) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Equal-to comparison
equalTo(String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Equal-to comparison
equalTo(String, Date) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Equal-to comparison
execute(Realm) - Method in interface io.realm.Realm.Transaction
execute(Realm, long) - Method in interface io.realm.RealmMigration
Implement this method in your subclass to perform migration
executeTransaction(Realm.Transaction) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Executes a given transaction on the Realm.


finalize() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
findAll() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find all objects that fulfill the query conditions.
findAll(String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
findAll(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
findAll(String[], boolean[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
findAll(String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
findAll(String, boolean, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
findAllSorted(String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find all objects that fulfill the query conditions and sorted by specific field name.
findAllSorted(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find all objects that fulfill the query conditions and sorted by specific field name in ascending order.
findAllSorted(String[], boolean[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find all objects that fulfill the query conditions and sorted by specific field names.
findAllSorted(String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find all objects that fulfill the query conditions and sorted by specific field names in ascending order.
findAllSorted(String, boolean, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find all objects that fulfill the query conditions and sorted by specific field names in ascending order.
findFirst() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find the first object that fulfills the query conditions.
first() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Find the first object.
first() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Get the first object from the list.


get(int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
get(int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
getCount() - Method in class io.realm.RealmBaseAdapter
getInstance(Context) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Realm static constructor for the default realm "default.realm".
getInstance(Context, String) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Realm static constructor.
getInstance(Context, byte[]) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Realm static constructor.
getInstance(Context, String, byte[]) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Realm static constructor.
getInstance(File) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Realm static constructor.
getInstance(File, String) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Realm static constructor.
getInstance(File, byte[]) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Realm static constructor.
getInstance(File, String, byte[]) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Realm static constructor.
getItem(int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmBaseAdapter
getItemId(int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmBaseAdapter
getPath() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Returns the absolute path to where this Realm is persisted on disk.
getTable(Class<?>) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
greaterThan(String, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than comparison
greaterThan(String, long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than comparison
greaterThan(String, double) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than comparison
greaterThan(String, float) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than comparison
greaterThan(String, Date) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than comparison
greaterThanOrEqualTo(String, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison
greaterThanOrEqualTo(String, long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison
greaterThanOrEqualTo(String, double) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison
greaterThanOrEqualTo(String, float) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison
greaterThanOrEqualTo(String, Date) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison


handlers - Static variable in class io.realm.Realm


indexOf(Object) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
inflater - Variable in class io.realm.RealmBaseAdapter
io.realm - package io.realm
io.realm.exceptions - package io.realm.exceptions
isAutoRefresh() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Retrieve the auto-refresh status of the Realm instance.
isValid() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Check if the RealmObject is still valid to use ie.
iterator() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Returns an iterator for the results of a query.


last() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Find the last object.
last() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Get the last object from the list.
lessThan(String, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than comparison
lessThan(String, long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than comparison
lessThan(String, double) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than comparison
lessThan(String, float) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than comparison
lessThan(String, Date) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than comparison
lessThanOrEqualTo(String, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison
lessThanOrEqualTo(String, long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison
lessThanOrEqualTo(String, double) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison
lessThanOrEqualTo(String, float) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison
lessThanOrEqualTo(String, Date) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison
listIterator() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Returns a list iterator for the results of a query.
listIterator(int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Returns a list iterator on the results of a query.


MANAGED_OBJECTS_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class io.realm.RealmList
max(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Find the maximum value of a field.
maxDate(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Find the maximum date.
maximumDate(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find the maximum value of a field
maximumDouble(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find the maximum value of a field
maximumFloat(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find the maximum value of a field
maximumInt(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find the maximum value of a field
migrateRealmAtPath(String, RealmMigration) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
migrateRealmAtPath(String, byte[], RealmMigration) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
migrateRealmAtPath(String, RealmMigration, boolean) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
migrateRealmAtPath(String, byte[], RealmMigration, boolean) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
min(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Find the minimum value of a field.
minDate(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Find the minimum date.
minimumDate(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find the minimum value of a field
minimumDouble(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find the minimum value of a field
minimumFloat(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find the minimum value of a field
minimumInt(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Find the minimum value of a field
move(int, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Moves an object from one position to another, while maintaining a fixed sized list.


notEqualTo(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Not-equal-to comparison
notEqualTo(String, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Not-equal-to comparison
notEqualTo(String, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Not-equal-to comparison
notEqualTo(String, long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Not-equal-to comparison
notEqualTo(String, double) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Not-equal-to comparison
notEqualTo(String, float) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Not-equal-to comparison
notEqualTo(String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Not-equal-to comparison
notEqualTo(String, Date) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Not-equal-to comparison


onChange() - Method in interface io.realm.RealmChangeListener
Called when a write transaction is committed
or() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Logical-or two conditions


Realm - Class in io.realm
The Realm class is the storage and transactional manager of your object persistent store.
realm - Variable in class io.realm.RealmObject
Realm.Transaction - Interface in io.realm
Encapsulates a Realm transaction.
RealmBaseAdapter<T extends RealmObject> - Class in io.realm
RealmBaseAdapter(Context, RealmResults<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class io.realm.RealmBaseAdapter
RealmChangeListener - Interface in io.realm
Using RealmChangeListener, it is possible to be notified when another instance of a Realm is changed.
RealmException - Exception in io.realm.exceptions
RealmException is Realm specific exceptions.
RealmException(String) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmException
RealmException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmException
RealmIOException - Exception in io.realm.exceptions
RealmIOException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmIOException
RealmIOException() - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmIOException
RealmIOException(String) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmIOException
RealmIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmIOException
RealmList<E extends RealmObject> - Class in io.realm
RealmList is used in one-to-many relationships in RealmObject.
RealmList() - Constructor for class io.realm.RealmList
Create a RealmList in non-managed mode, where the elements are not controlled by a Realm.
RealmMigration - Interface in io.realm
RealmMigration is used to allow user defined migration of one model to a another.
RealmMigrationNeededException - Exception in io.realm.exceptions
RealmMigrationNeededException(String) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmMigrationNeededException
RealmMigrationNeededException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmMigrationNeededException
RealmObject - Class in io.realm
In Realm you define your model classes by sub-classing RealmObject and adding fields to be persisted.
RealmObject() - Constructor for class io.realm.RealmObject
RealmQuery<E extends RealmObject> - Class in io.realm
RealmQuery(Realm, Class<E>) - Constructor for class io.realm.RealmQuery
Creating a RealmQuery instance.
RealmQuery(RealmResults, Class<E>) - Constructor for class io.realm.RealmQuery
Create a RealmQuery instance from a @{link io.realm.RealmResults}.
realmResults - Variable in class io.realm.RealmBaseAdapter
RealmResults<E extends RealmObject> - Class in io.realm
A RealmResults list contains a list of objects of a given type that matches the query.
realmsCache - Static variable in class io.realm.Realm
refresh() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Refresh the Realm instance and all the RealmResults and RealmObjects instances coming from it
remove(int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
remove(int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Removes an object at a given index.
removeAllChangeListeners() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Remove all user-defined change listeners
removeChangeListener(RealmChangeListener) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Remove the specified change listener
removeFromRealm() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Removes the object from the Realm it is currently associated to.
removeLast() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Removes the last object in the list.
row - Variable in class io.realm.RealmObject


set(int, E) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
setAutoRefresh(boolean) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Set the auto-refresh status of the Realm instance.
size() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
size() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
sort(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sort (ascending) an existing @{link io.realm.RealmResults}.
sort(String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sort existing @{link io.realm.RealmResults}.
sort(String[], boolean[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sort existing @{link io.realm.RealmResults}.
sort(String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sort existing {link io.realm.RealmResults} using two fields.
sort(String, boolean, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sort existing {link io.realm.RealmResults} using three fields.
SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING - Static variable in class io.realm.RealmResults
SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING - Static variable in class io.realm.RealmResults
sum(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Calculate the sum of a given field.
sumDouble(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Calculate the sum of a field
sumFloat(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Calculate the sum of a field
sumInt(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Calculate the sum of a field


toString() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList


updateRealmResults(RealmResults<T>) - Method in class io.realm.RealmBaseAdapter
Update the RealmResults associated to the Adapter.


where(Class<E>) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Returns a typed RealmQuery, which can be used to query for specific objects of this type
where() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Returns a RealmQuery, which can be used to query for specific objects of this class
where() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Returns a typed @{link io.realm.RealmQuery}, which can be used to query for specific objects of this type.
writeCopyTo(File) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Write a compacted copy of the Realm to the given destination File.